Gabinete is a short documentaries web series of Chilean visual artists that through each chapter and as a whole, tries to show the motivations of contemporary art in the last decades, from the late 70s to today, trying to discover both the formal characteristics of practice as the inspiration that underlies under each creation.

Audiovisual pieces that through their narratives want to tell of how the human being is someone that in action can build an identity, and that they also search into the inner world of the artist, reveal their intentions and impulses that have led them to create and keep working. Configuration of the discipline in Chile that has created an image to be perceived abroad, which could respond to the same indicators and paradigms that have built the genius and national character.

JuanCastillo Zurita VoluspaJarpa BernardoOyarzun2 NortonMaza1 Pq_3 JavierToroBlum_3 Dittborn&Flores